Gypsy Oracle Card Reading
I felt surrounded by positive energy during the reading. With each card that was pulled, an answer for my worried.
I loved the method of not questioning and let the tarot energy guide the way. Very grateful. Angelita Silva
I want to tell you Fabi how wonderful your Tarot reading is, everything made so much sense with what is happening in my life and I could see beyond the veils, ever since then I am more aware of the signs and i am letting go more,
I know things are already happening and that with the advice from the cards everything will be smoother grateful, grateful, grateful, I can see many things happening already. Sabrina
I loved Fabiana’s reading. Very explanatory and straight to the point. I always leave her readings feeling well, as she
has an amazing energy. She is a good person, a great professional and I definitely recommend her work. Nilza
VERY VERY VERY GRATEFUL MY FRIEND!I Felt it so strong here! It was absolutely amazing - you are amazing girl!
Magic is present!! Erick
I have had the privilege of getting a gypsy oracle card reading with Fabi and until today I remember the image
and the words from it. My reading was about receiving advice on what to do next and whether I had to keep the same situation I remember every card bringing about change, spirituality working and people coming in my life.
At the time it was just a reading but then everything made sense and I became a fan. What impresses me about
the readings with Fabi is the respect and spiritual devotion she carries in her essence. The whole physical and astral environment she creates brings much comfort and a safe space. I totally recommend the experience for those who are looking for sincere advise filled with love and care. Gil
“I am very grateful, Fabiana, for the welcoming given through the Gypsy oracle cards.
The reading was very clear, cleared my doubts, i could understand better my priorities at the moment.
I was left blissful after the session, a sensation of joy and light-heartedness." Aline - RJ
“I was at a time of a lot of doubt about some projects and i needed to make choices to establish priorities. And at this time Fabiana helped me through her cards, giving advice through the eyes of the soul for me to make the best coices listening to my heart. Conclusion: It couldn’t have been better! Gratitude defines.” Graça Almeida - RJ
Hi Fabi!! You are enlightened and such a sweetheart!!WOW!! I feel so much love coming from you!
I want to thank you immensely!!
Such a light like the one you carry needs to spread and be taken to many people!!
Your reading is the most beautiful thing i have ever experienced - i am so grateful for it and for having met you.
So clarifying, every time i listen to it I feel better and it empowers me. I thank you from the bottom of my heart,
It was all very beautiful! Paola
So grateful, you are the best! I trust our work so much, I love your reading! I hour you! Kamilla
Dear Fabiana, so grateful for your beautiful and assertive gypsy oracle card reading. Your cards have helped me
define a new horizon and meet peace. Bless Saint Sarah and the Gypsy people. Optcha! Roberta
Fabiana helped me find clarity through her reading. I enjoyed listening to the explanation and then being able
to view the cards as well. It allows for a whole picture experience. It meant I could let the words sink in and see a visual play out. The best part is I can listen again and explore different meanings and feelings. Insightful, clear
and hopeful. Thank you Fabi. Khandra
Fabiana is utterly amazing. Just phenomenal! I was completely blown away with her reading. It really went to
the heart of every major issue I have been struggling with for some time now, and I’m so amazed that when she
did the reading it addressed all these issues even BEFORE I had even asked a single question. Throughout my lifetime, I have gone to several spiritual channels, tarot readers and intuitive counselors, and I realize the quality
can vary. Fabiana is by far one of the best I’ve ever been to, and perhaps the best. She has given me so much clarity and concrete guidance that I feel I can apply to my every day life. She also is super compassionate
and has this kind patience. Fabiana—you are so skilled and gifted and I’m so incredibly grateful for this opportunity to have had this reading from you. Thank you so much. Yvonne
My experience with Fabiana and my Gypsy Oracle Card reading was wonderful, and filled with feminine magic.
It was our first meeting, and yet I felt this instant sense of deep trust with Fabiana. I felt wrapped in love, and the
sacred energy she had cultivated in preparation for our time together.
Fabiana was like a weaver, an enchantress, extracting a clear picture from Spirit world to help me see the vibrational reality of my life. I felt tended too and attuned to, as Fabiana drew together the story of the different energies and
their messages, coming alive through the cards.
I really loved the story-telling like process, and the incredible lineage energy that infuses Fabiana’s presence and work. Overall, the reading helped me to fully land in where I am in my life, and to affirm what I had been sensing intuitively. It also helped me to draw new sources and inspiration for support, and feel an expanded sense of self-love and self-trust as I move into this next chapter of my life.
I’d recommend this beautiful, magical, nourishing experience for everyone! You’ll be so well taken-care of in Fabiana’s wise and loving presence, and will receive wonderful magic and clear insights from the experience. Jade
Beautiful medicine. Immense gratitude for your service, Goddess. loved it. Claudia Virgilia
Wonderful Fabi, very special, thank you so much for the cards, the teachings, after your session i already perceive
a considerable shift, I feel actually different. I thank you for all your giving and mastery in leading me onto this
sacred path. Martina
I want to thank you for this oracle deck, i couldn’t stop getting emotional, i shake and trembled the whole time, getting goosebumps, it was so strong that Mary Magdalene appeared in the cards and I felt the vibration of the cigana Madalena. Congratulations, this energy is. Wonderful! Antonio
Your cards are amazing! Lots of synchronicities, very POWERFUL! Grateful! Bella
At the Magdala event that Fabi presented, I had already felt that something had changed inside of me, something opened up more towards life and I knew that I had to talk to her. I thought she was the right person for me to open up with respect to taboos and to the shadows of the feminine. And so we set up a session, we started ny picking a card from the Magdala oracle and it could have jot been anyone else but the most feared Lilith... I thought, did I really need to dive into the shadows? Wow... and I surrendered to guidance and understanding. As a light seeker, I had always been reluctant to get in touch with my shadow, what is this shadow? Would I be invoking evil forces opposite to the good ones? And it was with Fabi that the key turned and the insight came - she made me understand that it is in the shadow that resides our power, it is by bringing everything we refuse close to us and by accepting everything we don’t want or ww don’t think is pretty that integration takes place. Such welcoming power is in the occult, in the feminine, in the magic empty space of creation - that has nothing to do with evil or violence. The guided meditation was also amazing, my body was moving without me controlling it and I would feel already inside of me what she would then say. I left feeling more integrated, and I made peace with the feared Shadow. So important for those who work serving the Light and the Highest Good Jay Gurudev